There are two environments. One for testing (development
) and one for the production (production
Environment | URL |
development | |
production | |
To use the public API, you have to provide the Header X-Authorization
in every request (X-Authorization: API_KEY
Header | Required | Value | Description |
| Ask our support team for your |
This service will list all the dealerships.
GET /dealerships Accept: application/json |
{ "data": [ { "code": 100, "name": "Autohaus Standort 1", "location": { "street": "Musterstraße 123", "zip": "123456", "city": "Musterhausen" } }, ], } |
POST /leads Content-Type: application/json { "offer": 123, "type": 1, "dealership": 100, "salutation": 1, "firstname": "Max", "lastname": "Mustermann", "company": "Firma", "phone": "123456789", "email": "", "message": "Hallo, ich habe Interesse an dem Fahrzeug.", "additional-data": { "Info 1": "Freitext 1", "Info 2": "Freitext 2" } } |
201 Created |
field | type | required | constraints | description | |
| integer | The | |||
| integer | string | The | |||
| integer | The
| |||
| integer | The | |||
| string | required if | |||
| string | required if | |||
| string | required if | |||
| string | ||||
| string | ||||
| string | | |||
| array / objekt |
This service will list all the available offers.
The corresponding prices are displayed under prices
. If a contract type is only possible on request, this is also displayed under prices
"prices": { "sale": { "possibleOnRequest": true } } |
GET /offers Accept: application/json |
{ "data": [ { "code": 25, "internalNumber": "8953A09", "title": "PEUGEOT 2008 1.2 PureTech 82 Allure USB KLIMA PDC SHZ", "createdAt": "2020-12-03T08:30:57.000000Z", "updatedAt": "2021-02-11T11:04:10.000000Z", "car": { "internalNumber": "8953F0633", "internalIdentNumber": "NW048646", "model": "2008", "brand": "Peugeot", "fuelCategory": "Benzin", "fuelConsumption": 7.4, "fuelConsumptionUrban": 9.1, "fuelConsumptionExtraUrban": 6.5, "mileage": 89000, "ps": null, "power": 60, "hsn": "3003", "cylinderCapacity": 1199, "firstRegistration": "2015-11", "carType": "Gebrauchtwagen", "carBody": "SUV/Geländewagen", "transmission": "manuelles Schaltgetriebe, 5-Gang", "doorCount": 5, "seatCount": 5, "bodyColor": "Weiss", "bodyColorName": "weiss", "eco": { "co2Emissions": null, "efficiencyClass": null, "efficiencyClassImage": "https://..", "euEmissionStandard": "Euro5", "germanEmissionsSticker": "4 - Grüne Plakette" }, "location": { "street": "Musterstraße 123", "zip": "123456", "city": "Musterhausen" }, "images": [ { "name": "neu-2", "extension": "JPG", "mimetype": "image/jpeg", "url": "https://.." } ], "details": [ { "category": "AUSSTATTUNG_KLIMA", "type": "CHECKBOX", "order": 20, "text": "Klimaautomatik", } ] }, "prices": { "sale": { "currency": "EUR", "price": 9980.00, "netPrice": 8083.80, "conditions": null, "vatRate": 19 }, "leasing": { "leasingTotalAmount": 1964.40, "netLoanAmount": null, "borrowingRate": null, "effectiveInterestRate": null, "bank": "ALD Leasing GmbH, Nedderfeld 95, 22529 Hamburg", "downPayment": 0.00, "finalInstallment": null, "duration": 24, "includedMileage": 10000, "factor": 0.25, "showFactor": true, "grossMonthlyRate": 81.85, "netMonthlyRate": 68.78, "residualValue": null, "conditions": null, "refundForLessDistance": null, "additionalDistanceCost": null }, "financing": { "bank": "ALD Leasing GmbH, Nedderfeld 95, 22529 Hamburg", "monthlyRate": 68.00, "netMontlyRate": 55.08, "debitInterestRate": 2.95, "annualRate": 2.99, "duration": 48, "includedMileage": null, "initialPayment": 2980.00, "endingRate": 4990.00, "grossCreditAmount": 8186.00, "netCreditAmount": 7443.00, "closingCosts": null, "paymentProtectionInsurance": 443.00, "conditions": null }, "rent": { "grossRentPrice": null, "netRentPrice": null, "inclusiveKm": null, "refundForLessDistance": null, "additionalDistanceCost": null, "duration": null, "conditions": null } }, "documents": { "expose": "https://..." }, "relationships": { "self": "/public/v1/offers/25" } } ], "links": { "first": "/public/v1/offers?page=1", "last": "/public/v1/offers?page=1", "prev": null, "next": null }, "meta": { "current_page": 1, "from": 1, "last_page": 1, "links": [ { "url": null, "label": "pagination.previous", "active": false }, { "url": "/public/v1/offers?page=1", "label": "1", "active": true }, { "url": null, "label": "", "active": false } ], "path": "/public/v1/offers", "per_page": 15, "to": 1, "total": 1 } } |
You can add parameters such as paginate
or filter
to get the offers according to your needs.
Parameter | Target | Required | Constraints | Request | Description | |
| pagination | The maximum value per page is |
| Get all the offers with 200 items per page. | ||
| filter | Filters by the codes. This is required for the “Merkliste”. |
| Get all the offers where the code is 100 OR 150 | ||
| filter | List available from service |
| Get all the offers where the car brand is 20 OR 23 | ||
| filter | List available from service |
| Get all the offers where the car model is 149 | ||
| filter | List available from service |
| Get all the offers where the car type code is “NW” | ||
| filter | List available from service |
| Get all the offers where the car body is 2 OR 1 | ||
| filter | List available from service |
| Get all the offers where the car transmission code is 4 | ||
| filter | List available from service |
| Get all the offers where the car fuel is 1 OR 3 | ||
| filter | This filter needs a range of values like List available from service |
| Get all the cars registered between 2019-01 | ||
| filter | This filter needs a range of values like List available from service |
| Get all the cars with mileage between 0 | ||
filter | You can combine the filters according to your needs |
| Get all the offers where the car fuel is 1 OR 3 | |||
| sort |
| ||||
| sort |
| ||||
| sort |
| ||||
| sort |
| |||
| sort |
| |||
| sort |
| |||
sort | You can combine the sorts according to your needs |
| Sort the offers by the brand and then by the mileage |
This service will all the details for available offer.
GET /offers/25 Accept: application/json |
GET /offers/8953A09 Accept: application/json |
GET /offers/8953A09-peugeot-2008-1.2-puretech-82-allure-usb-klima-pdc-shz Accept: application/json |
{ "data": { "code": 25, "internalNumber": "8953A09", "slug": "8953A09-peugeot-2008-1.2-puretech-82-allure-usb-klima-pdc-shz", "title": "PEUGEOT 2008 1.2 PureTech 82 Allure USB KLIMA PDC SHZ", "createdAt": "2020-12-03T08:30:57.000000Z", "updatedAt": "2021-02-11T11:04:10.000000Z", "car": { "internalNumber": "8953F0633", "internalIdentNumber": "NW048646", "model": "2008", "brand": "Peugeot", "fuelCategory": "Benzin", "fuelConsumption": 7.4, "fuelConsumptionUrban": 9.1, "fuelConsumptionExtraUrban": 6.5, "mileage": 89000, "ps": null, "power": 60, "hsn": "3003", "cylinderCapacity": 1199, "firstRegistration": "2015-11", "carType": "Gebrauchtwagen", "carBody": "SUV/Geländewagen", "transmission": "manuelles Schaltgetriebe, 5-Gang", "doorCount": 5, "seatCount": 5, "bodyColor": "Weiss", "bodyColorName": "weiss", "eco": { "co2Emissions": null, "efficiencyClass": null, "efficiencyClassImage": "https://..", "euEmissionStandard": "Euro5", "germanEmissionsSticker": "4 - Grüne Plakette" }, "location": { "street": "Musterstraße 123", "zip": "123456", "city": "Musterhausen" }, "images": [ { "name": "neu-2", "extension": "JPG", "mimetype": "image/jpeg", "url": "https://.." } ], "details": [ { "category": "AUSSTATTUNG_KLIMA", "type": "CHECKBOX", "order": 20, "text": "Klimaautomatik", } ] }, "prices": { "sale": { "currency": "EUR", "price": 9980.00, "netPrice": 8083.80, "conditions": null, "vatRate": 19 }, "leasing": { "leasingTotalAmount": 1964.40, "netLoanAmount": null, "borrowingRate": null, "effectiveInterestRate": null, "bank": "ALD Leasing GmbH, Nedderfeld 95, 22529 Hamburg", "downPayment": 0.00, "finalInstallment": null, "duration": 24, "includedMileage": 10000, "factor": 0.25, "showFactor": true, "grossMonthlyRate": 81.85, "netMonthlyRate": 68.78, "residualValue": null, "conditions": null, "refundForLessDistance": null, "additionalDistanceCost": null }, "financing": { "bank": "ALD Leasing GmbH, Nedderfeld 95, 22529 Hamburg", "monthlyRate": 68.00, "netMontlyRate": 55.08, "debitInterestRate": 2.95, "annualRate": 2.99, "duration": 48, "includedMileage": null, "initialPayment": 2980.00, "endingRate": 4990.00, "grossCreditAmount": 8186.00, "netCreditAmount": 7443.00, "closingCosts": null, "paymentProtectionInsurance": 443.00, "conditions": null }, "rent": { "grossRentPrice": null, "netRentPrice": null, "inclusiveKm": null, "refundForLessDistance": null, "additionalDistanceCost": null, "duration": null, "conditions": null } }, "documents": { "expose": "https://..." }, "relationships": { "self": "/public/v1/offers/25" } } } |
A reference service will return the possible types of a resource.
This service will list all the available salutations.
GET /references/salutations Accept: application/json |
{ "data": [ { "code": 1, "category": "PERSON", "name": "Herr" }, { "code": 2, "category": "PERSON", "name": "Frau" }, {...} ] } |
This service will list all the available types of a lead.
GET /references/lead-types Accept: application/json |
{ "data": [ { "id": 1, "code": "REQUEST_OFFER", "name": "Angebot-Anfrage" }, { "id": 2, "code": "REQUEST_TEST_DRIVE", "name": "Probefahrt-Anfrage" }, {...} ] } |
This service will list all the available brands and models.
GET /references/brands Accept: application/json |
{ "data": [ { "code": 2, "text": "AlfaRomeo", "offersCount": 20 "models": [ { "code": 3, "text": "Giulia", "offersCount": 5 }, { "code": 4, "text": "Giulietta", "offersCount": 15 }, ] }, {...}, ] } |
This service will list all the available fuels.
GET /references/fuels Accept: application/json |
{ "data": [ { "code": 135, "text": "Benzin" }, { "code": 136, "text": "Diesel" }, {...} ] } |
This service will list all the available transmissions.
GET /references/transmissions Accept: application/json |
{ "data": [ { "code": 184, "text": "manuelles Schaltgetriebe, 4-Gang" }, { "code": 185, "text": "manuelles Schaltgetriebe, 5-Gang" }, {...}, ] } |
This service will list all the available car types.
GET /references/car-types Accept: application/json |
{ "data": [ { "code": 223, "text": "Neuwagen" }, { "code": 225, "text": "Gebrauchtwagen" }, {...}, ] } |
This service will list all the available car bodies.
GET /references/car-bodies Accept: application/json |
{ "data": [ { "code": 188, "text": "Kleinwagen" }, { "code": 189, "text": "Kombi" }, {...} ] } |
This service will list the min and max values of the mileage
GET /references/mileage Accept: application/json |
{ "data": [ "min": 0, "max": 10000 ] } |
This service will list the min and max values of the firstRegistration
GET /references/first-registration Accept: application/json |
{ "data": [ "min": { "full": "2000-01-01", "year": 2000, "month": 1, "day": 1 }, "max": { "full": "2021-01-01", "year": 2021, "month": 1, "day": 1 } ] } |